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Bobby Owsinski!

Bobby is widely regarded as one of the best mixing teachers in the business. His books are found in college classrooms and at the workstations of world renowned mixers…
Most Popular Posts From
Bobby’s Music Production Blog
Posted Weekly
2 Methods For Creating Quick Mixes With Pink Noise
An interesting mixing method that can be used for quick rough mixes or as a balance starting point for a mix is by using pink noise. Since the frequency response of pink noise is similar to that of the human ear, it can be used as a reference point against a mix.
The Common Characteristics
Of A Hit Song In 2022
It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist, band, songwriter, engineer, producer or label exec, I’m sure you’re all too aware that crafting a hit song isn’t easy. Most people in the music business struggle their entire careers to be a part of just one.
What To Look For When Buying Your Next Direct Box
Direct boxes are something that we use every day in recording, yet take for granted because of their simplicity. You might be tempted to purchase the cheapest one you find, but there’s a real difference in the sound between brands and models.
Most Popular Posts From
Bobby’s Music 3.0 Industry Blog
Posted Weekly
13 Social Media Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Social media use worldwide continues to increase, which results in some truly astounding numbers. Here’s are some recent social media facts that show us just how much we value our social interactions.
The 5 Ways To Charge For Your Services
If you’re a producer, engineer or musician, chances are that you’ve been asked to work on someone’s recording. That’s all well and good, but how do you get compensated for your efforts? Here are 5 ways that you can charge for your services.
The Simple Guide To Using Music Hashtags
Hashtags are now used on nearly every social media platform, and as a tool they’re more powerful than ever – if used correctly. The biggest problem is that most people aren’t aware of the best way to use them, especially when it comes to music hashtags.
Most Popular Inner Circle Podcasts
Posted Every Tuesday

“Engineering Legend Al Schmitt, Apple Music Distributor Tiers, And Top 10 Synths”
Legendary Engineer
Al Schmitt

“Music Biz Revenue Up, Audio Company Acquisitions, And Dirk Ulrich”
Plugin Developer
Dirk Ulrich

“CD Extras, New Vinyl Record Press, and Producer Michael Beinhorn”
Michael Beinhorn

Best Selling Books
Mixing music was once considered an unteachable art, until the release of the first edition of The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook by Bobby Owsinski. This groundbreaking work is now a staple in college classrooms and professional recording studios alike.
For both the beginner learning to use their DAW and professional mixers looking for a foundational reference to keep by their 48-channel mixing console, The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook 5th Edition is loaded with invaluable knowledge for anyone who mixes music.
Click here for more info on books like The Recording Engineer’s Handbook, Mastering Engineer’s Handbook, AI For Music Production, The Music Business Advice Book, and many more.
Get Your Copy of
The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook (5th Edition) Today!

Best Selling Books
Mixing music was once considered an unteachable art, until the release of the first edition of The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook by Bobby Owsinski. This groundbreaking work is now a staple in college classrooms and professional recording studios alike.
For both the beginner learning to use their DAW and professional mixers looking for a foundational reference to keep by their mixing console, The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook 5th Edition is loaded with invaluable knowledge for anyone who mixes music.
Get Your Copy of
The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook (5th Edition) Today!
Bobby has developed world class online courses with course material ranging from the classic methods used in commercial studios, to the modern era of mixing in a DAW… Students from beginner to advanced have all raved about Bobby’s courses:
The Music Mixing Primer:
Basic Techniques for a Great Mix

Learn the foundational mixing techniques of the pros that they never tell you. These step-by-step techniques on balance, EQ, compression and effects that will make your next mix so much better you won’t believe it!
View More Details
Top 40 Mixing Secrets:
Pro Mixing Techniques for the Home Studio
Learn the foundational mixing techniques of the pros that they never tell you. These step-by-step techniques on balance, EQ, compression and effects that will make your next mix so much better you won’t believe it!
View More Details

View Catalog of Bobby’s Online Courses
What Others Are Saying…
“a great success for me in what I’ve gained in new business”
“I’ve applied a lot of what I’ve learned from you and from what I’ve learned from the others who share their experiences also. I guess you could say your Mix Tricks and Hit Makers Club have been a great success for me in what I’ve gained in new business. People/bands like what I’m doing and call it “professional sounding”. I just can’t buy that kind of critique and the confidence that adds to what I’m trying to do here. You’ve been extremely big part of the gains I’ve made in knowledge through your books and interactions. Man, I owe you a big “Thank you” for all your help.”
– Oz Amaro
“I’m actually making money!”
“Your videos have re shaped the way I mix. I “was” first a producer and secondly a mixing engineer BUT I am now respected through my circuit as a true engineer and I’m making money. I’m actually making money! This is a direct result because I applied your technical teachings from your vids with my current ability to produce. You allowed me on the Hit Makers Club to ask questions to specific needs that I had regrading mixing and mastering. I received true legitimate feedback from YOU and other professionals which most of the time I feel had much more knowledge of the industry than me. I’ve grown more in 6 months than I have in 6 years. Seriously Bobby, thank you!”
– Paul Sofsky
“No BS, your life-long treasure of knowledge is very special. I find your method of teaching is embedded in the theory and deep understanding of why things work the way they do, and constantly tying things to real-life examples that is priceless. It’s made my mixes significantly better.”
– Itzhak Yaron