Timely News, Info, And How-To'sBobby contributes to a number of blogs, podcasts and sites around the world. These include:
Bobby’s Blogs

Music Production Blog
This is Bobby’s production-oriented blog where he discusses everything you ever wanted to know about recording and music production. A popular feature is his breakdown and analysis of isolated tracks of popular songs, as well as song analysis that provide an x-ray look into a hit song’s structure, arrangement, sound and production. Bobby posts to this blog every weekday. Subscribing at the bottom of the page will allow you receive a digest of posts every week via email.
#8 of the 50 Awesome Blogs To Follow poll on Stereostack.
#12 of the Ultimate Top 100 Music Industry Blog List by Musician’s Empowered.

Music 3.0 Blog
This is Bobby’s music industry-oriented blog dedicated to helping artists, bands and musicians learn about the current state of the business with an emphasis on social media. Bobby posts to this blog every weekday. Subscribing at the bottom of the page will allow you to receive a digest of posts every week via email.
#4 of the 50 Awesome Blogs To Follow poll on Stereostack.
#54 of the Ultimate Top 100 Music Industry Blog List by Musician’s Empowered.

Bobby's Forbes Blog
Bobby provides analysis of the new music industry for this business powerhouse.
Bobby’s Content Also Appears In These Fine Blogs
ASCAP Daily Brief: Bobby’s blog posts from both The Big Picture, Music 3.0 and Forbes are frequently redistributed in this daily post and newsletter.
Universal Audio: Bobby is a frequent contributor to this popular blog by this very popular hardware and software company.
Your Morning Coffee: Music industry insider Jay Gilbert’s weekly newsletter about the new music business.
The Dean’s List: Songwriter/music publisher Dean Kay’s daily newsletter about the latest in the music business.
ProSound Web: One of the most popular destinations on the Web for anyone interested in music, recording or live sound, ProSound Web re-posts many of the posts from Bobby’s Big Picture production blog.
AudioNowcast: Listen to a roundtable of audio geeks from different disciplines discuss things that only audio people and musicians find interesting. And they laugh a lot. One of the longest running audio-related podcasts ever, now in its 8th year.
OnStage Magazine: The online concert photo blog (the photos are really excellent!) runs reposts from both Bobby’s Music Production and Music 3.0 blogs.
Music Think Tank: This is a blog written by a number of music industry thought-leaders about the current and future state of the industry. Bobby posts an article to this blog about once a month.
Hypebot: Perhaps the most well-respected music industry blog on the Web, Bobby is frequently asked to post his opinion on the industry issues of the day as well supply a custom post from time to time.
AudioTuts +: This is a popular premium Australian blog dedicated to recording and production instruction, and Bobby frequently contributes.